Auf dem Weg von Barcelona nach Lissabon gab es eine erhebliche
Verzögerung, weil ein ernsthaft Erkrankter mit einem Hubschrauber vom Schiff geholt
und in ein Krankenhaus in Valencia gebracht wurde. Da das Schiff keinen
Hubschrauberlandeplatz besitzt, musste es fast zum Stehen kommen, ehe der Kranke
zu dem Hubschrauber hoch gehievt werden konnte. So erreichten wir Lissabon drei
Stunden später als geplant, was gewisse Auswirkungen auf die geplanten Ausflüge

Übrigens war der Gala-Abend sehr nett, wir haben mit neugefundenen
Freunden (einem anderen deutschen Ehepaar) zusammen gespeist und uns hinterher
die Show angesehen.
Und es gibt noch einen Höhepunkt, von dem wir erzählen möchten,
aber leider kein Foto dazu stellen können: Mittwochnacht, so gegen 23:00 Uhr,
fuhren wir durch die Meerenge von Gibraltar. Man konnte sogar den Felsen
deutlich erkennen. Also verabschiedeten wir uns vom Mittelmeer und begrüßten
den Atlantik, der uns wiederum mit rauerem Seegang und dem ersten Anflug von
Seekrankheit willkommen hieß. Aber daran werden wir uns auch noch gewöhnen.
We were delayed on our
way from Barcelona to Lisbon because one person on board fell seriously ill and
was taken to a hospital in Valencia by helicopter. As the ship does not have a
helipad, the ship had to stop to allow the flying helicopter to lift the
patient from the deck. Thus we arrived in Lisbon three hours later than planned
which of course had consequences for the planned excursions.
We both have been in
Lisbon before. I was here after and due to the revolution (in 1975), Michael much
later due to his job. So we felt we wanted to do something extraordinary. As we
had never used an amphibian vehicle before and wanted to give it a try, we had
booked one of the offered excursions. Result: we liked it better as a boat than
as a bus. As a bus it was very bumpy, it was much smoother on the river Tejo.
But the river cruise was the shortest part of the adventure and the rest was a
less comfortable sightseeing tour around the city. Which happened for a large
part in darkness as we had arrived so late in Lisbon; AND it was relatively
cold; AND it started to rain (the bus had a roof, but no windows). So we did
not mind being back on board and in the warmth of our cabin.
By the way: the Gala
night was good fun. We have made the first friends on board (another couple
from Germany) with whom we spent the evening, had dinner and saw the show.
But there was another
highlight, which unfortunately we can’t present you in a photo, but which was a
great experience nevertheless: Wednesday night at around 11 pm we passed the
rock of Gibraltar, which was clearly visible. So we said good-bye to the Med
and hello to the Atlantic, which consequently greeted us with a bit of rough
sea and a first bit of seasickness. But for sure we will grow our sea-legs!